select b.user_concurrent_queue_name,user_name "Submitted By", request_id "Request #",
to_char(cr.request_date,'dd-mon-rr hh24:mi') "Submitted on",
to_char(cr.last_update_date,'dd-mon-rr hh24:mi') "Failed on"
from applsys.fnd_concurrent_requests cr,
applsys.fnd_user u,fnd_concurrent_processes a,fnd_concurrent_queues_vl b
where u.user_id = cr.requested_by
and user_name like '%%'
and cr.status_code ='E'
and cr.phase_code ='C'
and cr.request_date > sysdate - 1
and a.concurrent_process_id = cr.controlling_manager
and a.concurrent_queue_id = b.concurrent_queue_id
order by 1;
1 Ağustos 2013 Perşembe
Oracle E-Business Suite:Kullanıcılar Tarafından Submit Edilmiş Job'lardan Fail Edenler
Buradaki sorgumuz bize herhangi bir kullanıcı tarafından fail etmiş request'ler ve buna bağlı olarak bunların hangi programlar olduğunu gösterir.
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