
24 Haziran 2014 Salı

Oracle Fusion Middleware: OBIEE Installation - OBIEE Kurulumu

OBIEE is a Reporting Tool  which is comprised of 2  parts that is it's RCU(Repositories) and its main setup.

I will be summarizing the steps with proper pictures. I used to explain the whole process in Turkish but from now on I will use English. Nonetheless  you may ask me to explain the process in Turkish or English.

RCU Installation For OBIEE

Rcu will  let us create the users and schemas needed. It will connect to the database, create its schemas according to the settings that we set.

We go and run rcu.bat as an Administrator.

 We create the repositories.

 We have to provide database connection details.

 A prefix is given to cleary separate the schemas.

 Temp tablespace is given for the schemas to be used as the common tablespace.

In the end we have created 2 schemas with their corresponding passwords. These schemas will be given with their passwords during the OBIEE installation.

OBIEE Installation: 

OBIEE installation is the main setup in our installation. The executables, WebLogic Server, and OBIA setup is made.

We run it as an Administrator.

We choose enterprise installation since we are not upgrading but making an installtation from the beginning

 Then OBIA_MDS and OBIA_BIPLATFORM passwords are entered with  their connection details.

Briefly we have first created the schemas with RCU and then made the main setup. We will have our WebLogic Server and Enterprise Manager and OBI Analytics at the end of the installation.

The URL's below will be the link of our installation.


But we are not still done with the installation. We still need the database connection,

Database Connection Through BI Administration Tool:

Database Connection details are entered by clicking to Connection Pool section.

After we enter the deatils we will check out and see if there is any error. If an error is found then there is a problem. Warnings can be ignored.

INST-08072: The BIEE Installer requires at least one IPv4 network interface, none were found Error: 

The error below can occur during the OBIEE installation, if we have started the installation with different settings other than English. To resolve this all the settings in Regional Settings must be set to English.

17 Haziran 2014 Salı

Oracle Fusion Middleware: Active Directory Control Script - Active Directory Kullanıcı ve Şifre Kontrol Script'i - Active Directory Browser

 Active Directory Control Script : Nedir? - Ne İşe  Yarar?

Bu script ile Active Directory'de bulunan bir kullanıcı ve şifrenin denemesi yapılabilinir.  Bu sayede uygulamalarımızda önemli bir değişiklik yapmadan önce var olan kullanıcı bilgilerinizi deneyebiliriz ya da sistemimizin Active Directory'e olan bağlantısını test edebiliriz.

Nasıl Çalıştırırız?

Aşağıdaki script'i bir text dosyası açıp Test-ADCredential.ps1 olarak kaydederiz.

 Verify Active Directory credentials  
 This function takes a user name and a password as input and will verify if the combination is correct. The function returns a boolean based on the result.  
 .PARAMETER UserName  
 The samaccountname of the Active Directory user account  
 .PARAMETER Password  
 The password of the Active Directory user account  
 Test-ADCredential -username berke -password deneme  
 Verifies if the username and password provided are correct, returning either true or false based on the result  
 function Test-ADCredential {  
   if (!($UserName) -or !($Password)) {  
     Write-Warning 'Test-ADCredential: Please specify both user name and password'  
   } else {  
     Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement  
     $DS = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext('domain')  
     $DS.ValidateCredentials($UserName, $Password)  

Sonra Powershell Console'a girip   ">Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted" komutunu çalıştırırz. Bu şekilde yarattığımız ps1 scriptini çalıştırabilecek hale geliriz.

Buna ek olarak " >.\Test-ADCredential.ps1 -username berke -password deneme" şeklinde script'imizi de çalıştırırsak kullanıcımızın Active Directory'de olup olmadığını bulabiliriz.

Bu script çalıştığında sonucu görmek için script çalışmasını bitirdiğinde "$?" komutnu çalıştırırız. "True" sonucunu görürsek sorun olmadığını anlayabiliriz.

>Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
>.\Test-ADCredential.ps1 -username berke -password deneme

Active Directory Browser:

Active Directory'de kullanıcıları test etmek için yukarıdaki yöntemden başka bir de Active Directory için LDAP browser kullanabiliriz. Bu sayede kullanıcıların varlığını kontrol edebilir, ayrıca eğer kullanıcılarla ilgili bind atmak istiyorsak, buradan kolayca bağlantı sağlayabiliriz.

Apache LDAP Browser için :


Test-ADCredential PowerShell Script'i -