
2 Ocak 2015 Cuma

Oracle E-Business Suite: How to apply patches in EBS R12.2 using Adop -- Abort or Rollback a Patch 12.2.4 Versiyonunda Adop Nasıl Kullanılır? Nasıl Patch Geçilir? - Nasıl Patch İptal Edilir?

In EBS Release 12.2 a new patching tool was introduced.  All the patching is now done with adop. The context of this patching system has also changed. It means that the patches are now applied to the online patching cycle. The patching cycle has a number of phases. These phases are:

  1. Prepare - creates the patch edition.
  2. Apply - apply ARU or manual patches to the patch edition.
  3. Finalize - perform any actions required to prepare for cutover.
  4. Cutover - Promote Patch Edition to be the new Run Edition.
  5. Cleanup - remove obsolete code and data from old editions.
We will now introduce the syntax and the usage of each phase:

The online patching cycle starts with prepare command.  That's why we connect to application node and  source the ebs RUN environment. Then we execute the following command which is
" adop phase=prepare"

 [applmgr@T1VSTEBSAPP01 APPS]$ cd /u01/install/APPS  
 [applmgr@T1VSTEBSAPP01 APPS]$ . EBSapps.env RUN  
 [applmgr@T1VSTEBSAPP01 APPS]$ adop phase=prepare  

When this command is executed a new patch edition is created.

File system synchronization can be done by applying the delta from the recent patching cycle, or by forming the entire patch edition file system as a copy of the run edition (called "fs_clone").

If prepare fails then we should abort the prepare phase.

 [applmgr@T1VSTEBSAPP01 APPS]$ adop phase=abort


When the preparation phase is over, changes to the patch edition is isolated from the run edition. Therefore run edition can be used as usual.

We first change our directory to the patch's path.. Then we read the readme.txt of the patch. Unless there is not anything required to do before the patch, we execute apply patch command. 

 [applmgr@T1VSTEBSAPP01 Localization Patch]$ cd 20279504_TR/  
 [applmgr@T1VSTEBSAPP01 20279504_TR]$ adop phase=apply  
 [applmgr@T1VSTEBSAPP01 20279504_TR]$  


The finalize phase is the part where system is prepared to ready the system for a fast cutover.

[applmgr@T1VSTEBSAPP01 20279504_TR]$ adop phase=finalize  


The cutover is made when the system is ready for downtime. It should be applied after the system can endure a downtime. Moreover the patch edition becomes the new run edition.

The Run/patch designation of the dual file systems are swapped during cutover. We re-source the run edition after the cutover phase.

[applmgr@T1VSTEBSAPP01 20279504_TR]$ adop phase=finalize 


With cleanup unnecessary code created during the patch phase will be removed.

[applmgr@T1VSTEBSAPP01 20279504_TR]$ adop phase=cutover  
[applmgr@T1VSTEBSAPP01 20279504_TR]$ adop phase=c
There is another option which specifies cleanup mode with which full statistics is taken.

Note: Due to a known issue in Release 12.2.2, full cleanup is is currently available only in Release 12.2.3 and higher

Other Options:

FS Clone
$ adop phase=fs_clone
$ adop phase=abort
$ adop phase=cleanup 

General Structure:

$ . /EBSapps.env run
$ adop phase=prepare
$ adop phase=apply patches=123456
$ adop phase=finalize
$ adop phase=cutover
$ . /EBSapps.env run
$ adop phase=cleanup

How to abort a Patch Process - Rollback: 

We would want to abort a patch if we are failing during a patching process.If we cant solve the problem, the need to abort the cycle arises. To abort a patch, first we need to be at a status before cleanup phase.

The abort command is only available until successful completion of the cutover phase. After cutover completes, the system is running on the new edition and abort is no longer available for that
patching cycle. Warning: Aborting a patching cycle will drop the patch edition, but you must then run the cleanup and fs_clone phases before starting a new patching cycle. The cleanup must be a full cleanup ($ adop phase=cleanup cleanup_mode=full).

$ adop phase=prepare
$ adop phase=apply patches=123456
[Patch application encounters problems and you want to abort]
$ adop phase=abort
$ adop phase=cleanup cleanup_mode=full
$ adop phase=fs_clone

Patch - Patching Parameters:

In there reference-4, we have added a link which shows us the available patching parameters that can be used with adop.

 adop phase=prepare workers=1  

The command above is an example for that. We could use workers parameter with adop.

Where are the Adop Logs?

Adop logs are placed into the $ADOP_LOG_HOME which is in the non editione application file system." For example: /u01/install/APPS/fs_ne/EBSapps/log/adop"

In that folder, in the session id that we are in, we would see all the phases that we have done like "Prepare,Finalize,Apply,Cutover,Cleanup,Abort". Other than that within everyone of these folders, everything regarding that phase is inserted like subroutines depending on their execution time.

That is how we could find the related log file.

Inside the $ADOP_LOG_HOME:

Inside the directory of the patch session id:

1-Developing and Deploying Customizations in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID 1577661.1)
2-Patching Utilities - Adop:
3-Validations done by adop-

4-Patching Parameters -

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