We ran opmnctl status and saw that OBICCS was kept from running. Something was preventing us from accessing to the bi_server
We executed " tasklist | findstr "pid" " to find which process was stopping us. We saw that a process called vmtoolsd.exe was running the same pid that our coreapplication_obiccs1 tried to use.
We killed the process by " taskkill /pid "pid_no" /F " /F means force. We forcefully killed the process and then stopped and started the opmn. In the end we were able login to the system.
The original solution can be seen at Reference-2
1- Task Kill - https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb491009.aspx
2- OBICCS ERROR - http://www.cnblogs.com/jerryxing/archive/2012/09/29/2708214.html
3- Starting Individual Components - http://www.oraclenerd.com/2011/09/obiee-startstop-individual-components.html
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